Halifax Medical Malpractice Lawyer Blog

Pathologist Menon Should Have Been Fired Years Ago: N.B. Inquiry

Dr. Rajgopal Menon, a pathologist responsible for potentially hundreds of faulty cancer test results should have been fired years ago according to Justice Paul Creaghan
5000 + Test Results Wrong or Incomplete!

Justice Creaghan is heading up an inquiry formed after an independent audit found that more than 5000 of Menon’s pathology tests for breast cancer and prostate cancer were incomplete or misdiagnosed. Let me repeat that: Menon’s test results were wrong in more than FIVE THOUSAND cases. More than 25% of all the test results he performed over 12 years contained errors!

As a result, cancer patients had their diagnosis delayed or, in some cases, patients were told they had cancer when they did not.

Menon Refuses Responsibility

Menon has consitantly refused to take responsibility for his actions. Take a look at some of my previous posts: Disgraced Pathologist Menon “Sorry” but Blames Everyone in Sight and Disgraced Pathologist Menon’s Work had ‘Big Problems’: New Brunswick.

The National Post has reported that Menon questioned Justice Creaghan at the press conference announcing the inquiry results. Menon asked why Justice Creaghan did not make any recommendations regarding the quality of the hospital administration during the time that he was employed with the hospital district.

Menon was quoted as saying: “This is very important because there is a lot of interaction between the administrators and pathologist, especially at the Chief’s level”.

Health Authority Knew About Problems

Creaghan acknowledged that there were problems at the Miramichi Regional Health Authority. That’s putting it kindly. I have posted about previous evidence from the inquiry which made it clear that staff at the Health Authority were well aware of the problems with Menon’s work.

For example: Health Authority Knew about Pathologists Problems: Miramichi and Deputy Minister Received Complaints about Disgraced Pathologist: New Brunswick and Negligent Cancer Screening put Patients at Risk: Miramichi Hospital and finally Negligent Cancer Screening in New Brunswick may Lead to Criminal Charges and Medical Malpractice Claims.

It seems to be clear from the evidence presented at the inquiry that Menon’s work did not meet the standard of care required of a competent pathologist.

Delays in Diagnosis may have Fatal Consequences

If Menon’s faulty work resulted in a delay in diagnosing cancer patients, it’s possible that patients may have died due to his incompetence. Since early identification and treatment provide the best chances of survival, it is foreseeable that the problems with the Miramichi Health Authority may have lasting and fatal effects for many patients.

Lawyers are considering a proposed class action against the Health Authority for systemic negligence. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer as a result of testing performed at the Miramichi Regional Health Authority you should contact a lawyer to see whether you have a potential medical malpractice claim.

I have been representing victims of medical malpractice for 18 years. If you think you or a family member has suffered a loss or injury as a result of medical malpractice you can contact me for a consultation or request a free copy of my book:
The Consumer’s Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims in Canada.Why 98% of Canadian Medical Malpractice Victims Never Get a Penny in Compensation.

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