The Consumer’s Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims in Canada

by John McKiggan

The latest edition of my book, The Consumer’s Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims in Canada: Why 98% of Canadian Medical Malpractice Victims Never Get a Penny in Compensation, is now on its way back from the printers.

You can get a copy of the book by contacting me through this blog. However, I am going to be posting excerpts from the book over the next few weeks to give you a taste of the information contained in the book.

Lynn Butler sent me a very kind note after reading a copy of the book. Here is what she had to say:
“I found The Consumer’s Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims most helpful. I would definitely recommend the guide to anyone seeking information: it was very informative, factual and easy to read. I would certainly recommend the guide to anyone wondering if they have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit.”
Jeff Baggaley contacted me about a pediatric medical malpractice claim. After reading the book he sent me a note to say:
“I have read your book on pursuing a malpractice claim in Canada. Let me say at the outset that your book is an invaluable and excellently written introduction to essential information which the possible claimant needs to know.

Hospital Acquired Infections: Is it Medical Malpractice?

by John McKiggan

Hospital Infections Widespread Problem

Infections acquired while getting healthcare for an unrelated condition is becoming a common, and dangerous, problem in hospitals across North America.

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) has been in the news a lot. MRSA is a potential deadly infection caused by bacteria that has become resistant to most antibiotics. For example take a look at this news story.  


Misdiagnosis or Failure to Diagnose in Medical Malpractice Claims

by John McKiggan

“What’s the difference between Misdiagnosis and Failure to Diagnose?”

The majority of medical malpractice claims that I am asked to review involve either a misdiagnosis of a medical condition (recognizing the symptoms but getting the diagnosis wrong) or the failure to diagnose a medical condition (not recognizing that there is a medical problem that requires treatment).

Making a mistake may not be malpractice

How Do I Know if I Have a Medical Malpractice Claim?

by John McKiggan

When I am asked to review a possible claim for a client wondering if they have been a victim of medical malpractice, it often takes months of investigation and requires reviewing hundreds of pages of medical records and reports. In many cases I have to get a medical expert to provide a medical-legal opinion on the issue of standard of care or causation.

However, there is a way for you to figure out for yourself if you have medical malpractice claim that is worth talking to a lawyer about to see if you may have a claim.

Two Simple Questions:

What Does Informed Consent Have To Do With My Nova Scotia Medical Malpractice Claim?

by John McKiggan

Medical Malpractice can happen in two ways:
1. Negligence is when your doctor causes an injury because he or she failed to meet the standard expected of a reasonably competent physician;

2. Assault and Battery happens when your doctor does not have your informed consent to perform the medical procedure that caused your injury.
Consent to Medical Treatment:

Everyone has a legal right to decided what can be done with his or her own body. Lawyers refer to this right as autonomy.

New Program Helps Prevent Medication/Prescription Errors

by John McKiggan

24,000 Canadians Die Each Year Due to Adverse Events

The Canadian Medical Association Journal has reported that each year more than 87,000 patients experience an adverse event and as many as 24,000 patients die each year due to adverse events (doctor’s code words for a bad result or a mistake).

Medication Errors a Huge Problem

Medical Malpractice and “The Oprah Effect”

by John McKiggan

Oprah Investigates Medical Malpractice

My wife loves the Oprah show. She DVR’s the program and watches it (almost) every night. Tonight she asked me to watch todays show about Medical Errors.

100,000 Americans 24,000 Canadians Die Every Year

Doctors Forcing Patients to Sign Gag Orders

by John McKiggan

Can you believe this?!

There are doctors who are forcing patients to sign a contract promising not to criticize the doctor, “his expertise and/or treatment.”

No signature-No medical care

Simple Checklist Helps Prevent Deaths and Complications after Surgery

by John McKiggan

The New England Journal of Medicine has published a study showing that using a simple checklist helped decrease the number of surgery related deaths by more than 40%. The research showed that major complications after surgery fell by almost 1/3.

Using a Checklist

The checklist required the operating team to review a list of questions which included:
1. Were proper antibiotics given;
2. Was the correct patient on the operating table;
3. Was the correct surgical site identified;
4. Was sufficient anesthesia and blood supply available;
5. Did the patient have any allergies;
6. Counting needles/sponges to make sure nothing was left inside the patient.
Staggering Results